Daniela DiBono

Milieu Therapist

415.797.1414  |  she/her/hers

Daniela is one of the Milieu Counselors at The Healthy Teen Project in San Francisco. Daniela completed a Bachelor of Science with Honors in Psychology with a minor in Law and Society at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, California. Daniela is a passionate advocate of the Health at Every Size and Body Neutrality philosophies. In the past, Daniela has worked with both adolescents with Autism and adults with various mood disorders and mental illness.

At HTP, Daniela hopes to provide a supportive environment for teens by providing a strengths-based approach and being a source of fun and laughter. Daniela is applying to both Marriage and Family Therapy and Professional Clinical Counselor Programs.

Daniela DiBono